Archive for December, 2010

hello 2011. may you be a better year for everyone who needs it.

and so here comes the end of 2010. december has been good to me. nice way to make up for all the shit throughout the year. learnt a lot, grew a lot. i’m waiting, 2011. show me what you’ve got.

give and take. live and let live. sometimes it ain’t that bad. we don’t always have to win.


i wished you’d call. i want to talk to you. but stubborn people can be stupidly stubborn.



there’s always at least 2 sides of any story. it may be this to me, but that to you. maybe you don’t know what’s this, and maybe i don’t know what’s that. sometimes talking things out may be a good way to understand this and that. and maybe things will work out. maybe. just maybe. […]


i’m glad i have a stroke of red.

heart > looks probably not something easy to digest, given the kind of world we’re living in today, but there really are people who still know how to appreciate the heart above anything superficial. if you have someone like that, you’re damn lucky. (: you are my kind of beautiful –

sometimes people expect too much, but they get lucky and they get what they want. then they start thinking that their expectations weren’t too high, so they become more greedy. and then they start to expect even more.


just because you don’t mean some things you say, doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t.

i surrender
